Fall Safety and Security Tips to Implement in Your Business
Posted: September 4, 2021
Every season of the year poses safety and security challenges. In the fall, the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, providing greater opportunity for thieves and vandals. Falling leaves can make walkways slippery, increasing accident risks. The following tips can help you reduce the risks for your business during the autumn months. Install Proper Lighting We have fewer hours of daylight in the...
Is Lost or Stolen Jewelry Covered by Homeowners Insurance?
Posted: September 1, 2021
Personal jewelry items can be extremely valuable. For example, the average cost of an engagement ring in the U.S. is $7,829, as reported by Brides.com. A strand of South Sea pearls can be worth more than $100,000, as stated by The Pearl Source. If jewelry is lost or damaged because of a covered peril, such as theft, it is covered by homeowners insurance, up to...
A trip into the Ozark Mountains takes you back in time at the second annual Eureka Springs Fling Rally.
Posted: August 31, 2021
It’s not your typical location for a spring fling motorcycle rally—a Victorian resort village nestled in the beautiful Ozark Mountains of northwestern Arkansas. Eureka Springs is hosting its second annual rally in a city that’s renowned for its steep winding streets, lined with beautiful architecture. Eureka Springs is on the National Register of Historic Places, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation has selected it...
Enjoy the fall colors—but keep safety on your mind with these five tips
Posted: August 31, 2021
Most motorcycle riders are three-season riders—out riding a motorcycle on the first pretty day in the spring and parking the bike in storage when the first winter snow falls. In between, there’s the fall riding season. We’ve gathered five tips to help make it safer and more enjoyable. 1. Check tire pressure Checking tire inflation before each ride is recommended to help maintain optimum traction...
What Is the Difference Between ICHRA and QSEHRA?
Posted: August 28, 2021
The first step in understanding the difference is to spell out what these abbreviations stand for. “ICHRA” stands for “Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement.” “QSEHRA” stands for “Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement.” What Is an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement? An ICHRA is a new type of health reimbursement arrangement that only became available as of 2020, under Trump administration regulations. It allows employers...